Razem blokujemy marsz faszystów!


Nasza muzyka jest bezpośrednim następstwem wydarzeń 11 listopada zeszłego roku. My - Simbola Antifaszista - jesteśmy dzieckiem tych czterech jedynek. Osoby zaangażowane w ten projekt nie przyszły jednak na świat rok temu. Wszyscy mamy skonkretyzowane, choć oczywiście różniące się między sobą poglądy, mocne doświadczenia polskiej rzeczywistości, rzeczywistości niestety pełnej agresywnych uprzedzeń.

Na temat tego, dlaczego współczesnym faszyzmom, ruchom faszyzującym, ksenofobicznym, szowinistycznym należy i trzeba się przeciwstawiać napisano (tak w kontekscie nadchodzacego 11 listopada, jak i w konekscie dat minionych) wiele.
Nie pozostaje w wątpliwości, że problem ruchów zorganizowanych na fundamentach uprzedzeń, względem ludzi innych od tych uprzedzonych, jest problemem złożonym, wielowymiarowym. Istnieją jego poziomy kulturowe, subkulturowe, ekonomiczne, polityczne, religijne, jak i zapewne wiele innych. Bez względu jednak na to jakiej używa się argumentacji zawsze pod jej płaszczykiem nieudolnie kryje się potrzeba gradacji ludzi na podstawie przymiotów w większosci wypadków niezależnych od grup czy jednostek będacych obiektami tej gradacji. Przymiotów i czynników w wiekszości wypadków wrodzonych,takich jak m.in pochodzenie, przynależność do grup etnicznych, zaplecze kulturowe, orientacja seksualna.

Między innymi z tego właśnie powodu, z powodu braku możliwości wpływu na czynniki, za które ludzie ci są tak mocno nienawidzeni, a nienawiść ta często przybiera ucieleśnione formy, należy się tej nienawiści sprzeciwiać absolutnie bezwarunkowo. Nie ma tu żadnej winy związanej z dokonaniem jakichkolwiek wyborów, a nawet jeśli niektóre z cech grup czy ludzi prześladowanych miałyby być niezgodne z naszymi własnymi, to czemu miałaby to być czyjakolwiek wina?

Nasza działalność jest tylko muzyką, kilkoma dźwiękami, w trakcie których rzucono kilka słów, sloganów i deklaracji. Powołując się jednak na jedno z tych naprawdę znanych zaklęć 'a słowo ciałem się stało', te nasze deklaracje i obietnice też mogą mieć moc sprawczą, jeśli tylko trafią na odpowiedni grunt i będą odpowiednio pielęgnowane.

Nasz sprzeciw wobec faszyzmów nie ogranicza się jedynie do działalności muzycznej i również dlatego (choć powodów jest naprawdę wiele) będziemy na ulicach 11 listopada idąc ramię w ramię, ręka w rękę ze wszystkimi osobami, które chcą wyrazić swoją niezgodę na szowinistyczne postępowanie, które czują wstręt, gniew i frustrację widząc takie zachowania. I jaki by nie był powód tych zachowań, warto pamiętać, że wszyscy, zarówno my jak i ci znienawidzeni, znani i obcy, tak bogaci, jak biedni, czarni i biali, Europejczycy i Azjaci, kobiety i mężczyźni, że wszyscy jesteśmy ulepieni z tego samego materiału.

Poza tym spójrzmy prawdzie w oczy - byłoby mocno nietaktownym nie pojawić się na własnych urodzinach.


It is a paradox that one ton of imported coal has more rights in this world than an imported human being. The globalisation covers the free movement of goods, services, money and share tranfers, but not people. Sometimes the countries from the rich North alleviate the regulations on residence for foreigners but their compassion is usually fraudulent.

In reality the state needs the low-paid work carried out by migrants to accomplish its investments and to raise the greatest fetish of all, the Gross Domestic Product. Without the construction workforce from accross the Eastern border the National Stadium would not have been built, without the nurses from Poland the British health care system would have collapsed, without the hard work of Moroccans in the vineyards there would be no French wine. Who does who a favour?

When migrants turn up in our country we allow them to blend into our Western societies, but only on our rules. That's what assimilation is about – you are allowed to stay with us but only if you adapt, if you become the same as we are. What is the difference between assimilation and racism? What is the difference between the member of a neo-fascist group and the police officer who shot the Nigerian trader, Maxwell Itoya?

The state is a monster that creates racism. Neo-fascist groups are only a caricature of the Immigration Office and the Broder Guard.

The essence of a society cannnot be the possesion of an ID, the fulfillment of economic needs, having arbitrary physical traits or the affiliation with a dominant social group but the fact of residing and living on a given territory.

Everyone has the same right to live a happy life everywhere!

No one is illegal!

Simbola Antifaszista is a musical project that was created by a couple dozen of people who, by playing some music together, wanted to express their stance on the fascist march in Warsaw on the 11th of November, on the muncipal authorities' unreflecting decision to permit this march as well as on state repressions against people who decided to take matters into their own hands and to prevent the spreading of xenophobic slogans on the streets. The CD is from beginning to end a clear antifascist declaration, a raised fist, a scream on the tongues of all these people who do not want fascists on any street, square, alley in Warsaw, any other city, the world.

The CD Тimbola Antifaszistais a sign of solidarity with 14 people detained on the 11th of November 2009 when trying to block the nacionalst and neofascist march in Warsaw. Seven of them were charged with assault against a police officer such charges are willingly used by the police to sentence (not only) antifascists for their activities. The financial situation for the year 2009 is stable now, money is still needed for people charged after the blockades in 2010.

There are 7 tracks on the CD. They are sad and happy, nostalgic and dramatic, hip-hop, punk, brazilian, folk. They are as different as different the people participating in the project are. Polish samba groups unified in the worldwide network Rhythms Of Resistance contributed to the project. The other instruments where played by: Andrzej Krol Lir, Czapka, El Blanco, Rolf, Olga and Lejdi Angina. A hard-edged antifascist message was spit, screamed, sung and recited right into the microphones by 5000 and Ania Zajdel. Recordings from the antifascist demonstration that took place on the 11th of November 2009 and from the antirasist demonstration that took place on the 30th of May 2010 were used.

The audio engineering was handled by Rolf, the audio mastering by Smok and Studio As One, the publishing by the November 11th Alliance and four labels: No Sanctuary, NNNW, No Pasaran and Pasażer who also take care of the distribution.

The cover design was prepared by the Love Queens, linocut Mizuage, setting Ana Bujana.

The CD is also available as a 100% benefit at the Antifaszop www.antifaszop.pl and other distros at concerts.

The material will also be available as a download which will allow everyone to support the antifascist movement.
Our music origins directly from the events that have taken place on the 11th of November 2009. We, Simbola Antifaszista, are the child of these four „ones”. But the people who participated in this project were not born last year. All of us have definite but of course different views and harsh experiences of Polish reality – a reality that is not free from agressive prejudices..

The reason why one should and has to stand up against contemporary fascism and fascist, xenophobic and chauvinist movements has been elaborated many times (referring to the coming 11.11 and also to former years).

There is no doubt that the problem with movements build upon prejudices against people other than the prejudiced ones is a complex and multilayerd problem. These prejudices are found on cultural, subcultural, economic, political, religious and many other levels. No matter what arguments are used, they always incompetently try to hide the need to grade people on the basis of traits that these people or groups do not have any influence on. These traits or factors are mostly congenital, like for example descent, ethnic affiliation, cultural background, sexual preference.

Amongst others it is because of this, because of the lack of influence on the factors that these people are so deeply hated for (this hatered sometimes taking physical forms) that we have to make an absolutely unconditional stand against it. No one can be blamed here for making any choice. And even if some traits of the groups or people persecuted do not coincide with our own why should anyone be blamed?

Our activity is merely musical, a couple of tunes accompanied by some slogans and declarations. But stating one of these really famous spells „and the word became flesh” our declarations and promises may have a causative power if only they fall on a suitable and cultivated soil.

Our resistance against fascism is not only limited to musical activities. That is one of the reasons (there are many of them) why we will be on the streets on the 11th of November shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand with all the people who want to pledge their opposition against chauvinist actions, who feel disgust, anger and frustration when they see such behaviour. Whatever may be the reason for such a behaviour we shall not forget that we all, the hated, the known and unknown, the rich and poor, the black and white, the Europeans and Asians, the women and men are made of the same material.

Besides, let's face the truth: it would be very rude not to show up on our own birthday party.
